The topic this round is Evolving versus Solving. We spend such time going back to untangle the tangles typically tangling the tangles more. If we could just find the first twist, we think, we can unwrap the next and the next and straighten our curvy lives out again. In this class, we’ll explore what the tangles might be trying to become via art, movement, and of course writing.
When: Three consecutive Mondays beginning June 3, 2024, 6-8pm
Where: Delavan Studios, 509 W Fayette Street, Room 411, Syracuse 13204 (see map below)
Course fee: $125
Registration required (below) and space is limited to 6 participants.
Call Kathleen Tryon at 315-436-6221 or email with questions or if you’re interested in being added to the waiting list.
Class title: Evolving versus Solving
Where: Delavan Studios, 509 W Fayette Street, Room 411, Syracuse 13204
(see map below)